Eight research teams addressing public health issues

Each team develops its own research programme in relation to priority areas of INRAE's Animal Health and Human Nutrition divisions.

Fields covered by the research teams include:

(see PubMed list at the bottom of this page)

  • Characterization of the toxicity of mycotoxins produced by certain fungi, natural contaminants of animal of human foods on the immune system (Team BioToMyc ; Biosynthesis & Toxicity of Mycotoxins) ;
  • Hormonal regulation in the intestinal barrier function and the effects of xenobiotics (nanoparticles, endocrine disruptors...) on the microbiota-gut-immune system axis, from the perinatal period to adulthood (Team ENTeRisk ; Endocrinology & Toxicology of the Intestinal Barrier) ;
  • Development of integrative approaches for the evaluation of endocrine disruptors and their mechanisms of action (Team EXPER ; EXPosure, Endocrino-metabolic disruption & Reproduction) ;
  • Genotoxicity & signaling (Team GS ; Genotoxicity & Signaling) ;
  • Metabolism & Xenobiotics (Team MeX ; Metabolism & Xenobiotics) ;
  • Neuro-Gastroenterology & Nutrition (Team NGN ; Neuro-Gastroenterology & Nutrition) ;
  • Understand why cured and red meat can cause colon cancer, and seek how to prevent this toxicity (Team PPCF ; Prevention & Promotion of Carcinogenesis by Food) ;
  • Determination of the impact of xenobiotics (drugs, mycotoxins, food contaminants, endocrine disruptors) on organisms by functional, genomic and analytic approaches (Team TIM ; Integrative Toxicology & Metabolism).


Hervé Guillou
Head of Unit

Muriel Mercier-Bonin
Deputy Head of Unit


See also