About us...

A Joint Research Unit from the INRAE ​​Center in Toulouse

TOXALIM covers broad scientific fields, ranging from digestive physiopathology to gene expression disturbances involved in the development of metabolic diseases and cancers. They rely on the internationally recognized know-how of its teams in pharmacology, analytical chemistry, metabolomics, transcriptomics, etc.

TOXALIM is strongly involved in agro-veterinary and university higher education in toxicology, at master's and doctoral level, as well as in technology transfer and partnership with the food and veterinary medicine industries.

TOXALIM teams are involved in numerous collaborative research projects, both at national level (ANR, PNRPE, ANSES, etc.) and at European level (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, etc.).

At the regional level, TOXALIM is at the center of the activities of the PA3S consortium (Food Cluster: Health Safety and Health) and the GIS Toulouse Agri-Campus, and collaborates closely with the two Competitiveness Clusters, present in its area of ​​expertise: AgriSudOuest Innovation and Cancer BioSanté.

TOXALIM's skills cover broad scientific fields, ranging from digestive physiopathology to gene expression disturbances involved in the development of metabolic diseases and cancers. They rely on the internationally recognized know-how of its teams in pharmacology, analytical chemistry, metabolomics, transcriptomics, etc.

Thus, TOXALIM contributes to the development of knowledge on the long-term effects on human and animal health of toxicants, such as agricultural inputs, pesticides, mycotoxins, packaging migrants and other food contaminants. The projects relate more specifically to chronic exposures to low-dose contaminants, possibly in the form of mixtures and during critical phases of organism development (neonatal or perinatal).

Toxalim is an INRAE ​​Joint Research Unit (UMR 1331), created in January 2011, in partnership with the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT), the Purpan Engineering School (EI-Purpan member of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, INPT), and the Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse 3 - (UPS).

  • attached to the Human Food (AlimH) and Animal Health (SA) departments of INRAE;
  • bringing together nearly 150 people, including approx. 100 permanent staff (Researchers, Teacher-Researchers and ITA), distributed across 8 research teams, 3 technological platforms and research support services;
  • more than 7000 m2 of premises, INRAE ​​(180 chemin de Tournefeuille) and ENVT (23 chemin des Capelles) located west of Toulouse (St Martin/Purpan);
  • an overall annual budget of more than €3 million (excluding salaries);
  • a general mission: to develop research programs on the long-term effects of chemical contaminants present at low concentrations in food on human and animal health.


Hervé Guillou


180 chemin de Tournefeuille - BP. 93173
F-31027 TOULOUSE cedex 3

Tél +33 (0)5 82 06 63 00 (accueil)

In this section

Since January 1, 2024, Hervé Guillou has been director of UMR 1331 TOXALIM and Muriel Mercier-Bonin has been deputy director

TOXALIM enforces a strong politicy on PREVENTION, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY in line with the directives of INRA Toulouse research centre presidency and national Directorate General

Bernard Salles was Toxalim's first Head of Unit (2011-2017) with Isabelle Oswald as deputy-head (2016-2017) and Rafael Garcia-Villar as assistant-deputy-head (2011-2017)