Our publications

Scientific publications of E9-PPCA Valuations of the Prevention and Promotion of Carcinogenesis through Food team The Chemoprevention Database brings together all studies published until 2008 on agents and regimens preventing colorectal cancer.

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  • J Keller, P Plaisancié, E Fouché, E-M Pralet, N Naud, F Blas-Y-Estrada, C Maslo, I Ahn, S Chevolleau, M-H Meireles, C Héliès-Toussaint, S Pietri, M Cassien, L Khoury, M Audebert, F Pierre, V Theodorou, M Olier, and F Guéraud. Heme iron amplifies azoxymethane initiating effect on rat colon preneoplastic lesions.  Redox Experimental Medicine , 2025-e250001


  • C de Filippo, S Chioccioli, N Meriggi, A Dario Troise, F Vitali, M M Monroy, S Ozsezen, K Tortora, A Balvay, C Maudet, N Naud, E Fouche, C Buisson, J Dupuy, V Bezirard, S Chevolleau, V Tondereau, V Theodorou, C Maslo, P Aubry, C Etienne, L Giovannelli, V Longo, A Scaloni, D Cavalieri, J Bouwman, F Pierre, P Gerard, F Gueraud, and Giovanna Caderni. Gut microbiota drives colon cancer risk associated with diet: a comparative analysis of meat-based and pesco-vegetarian diets. Microbiome, 12(1):180, September 2024.
  • M Olier, N Naud, E Fouché, V Tondereau, I Ahn, N Leconte, F Blas-Y-Estrada, G Garric, C Helies-Toussaint, M Harel-Oger, C Marmonier, V Theodorou, F Gueraud, G Jan, and F Pierre. Calcium-rich dairy matrix protects better than mineral calcium against colonic luminal haem-induced alter- ations in male rats. npj Science of Food, 8, July 2024.
  • J Dupuy, E Fouche, C Noirot, P Martin, C Buisson, F Gueraud, F Pierre, and C Helies-Toussaint. A dual model of normal vs isogenic Nrf2-depleted murine epithelial cells to explore oxidative stress involvement. Scientific Reports, 14, May 2024a.
  • C Salame, G Javaux, L Sellem, E Viennois, F Szabo de Edelenyi, C Agaesse, A de Sa, I Huybrechts, F Pierre, X Coumoul, C Julia, E Kesse-Guyot, B Alles, L Fezeu, S Hercberg, M Deschasaux-Tanguy, E Cosson, S Tatulashvili, B Chassaing, B Srour, and M Touvier. Food additive emulsifiers and the risk of type 2 diabetes: analysis of data from the NutriNet-Sante prospective cohort study. The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology , 12(5):339–349, May 2024.
  • J Dupuy, E Cogo, E Fouche, F Gueraud, F Pierre, and P Plaisancie. Epithelial-mesenchymal interaction protects normal colonocytes from 4-HNE-induced phe- notypic transformation. PLoS ONE, 19, April 2024b.
  • J Ferey, L Mervant, N Naud, E L Jamin, F Pierre, L Debrauwer, and F Gueraud. Spatial metabolomics using mass-spectrometry imaging to decipher the impact of high red meat diet on the colon metabolome in rat. Talanta, 276:126230, 2024.
  • L Sellem, B Srour, G Javaux, E Chazelas, B Chassaing, E Viennois, C Debras, N Druesne-Pecollo, Y Esseddik, F Szabo de Edelenyi, N Arnault, C Agaesse, A de Sa, R Lutchia, I Huybrechts, AScalbert, F Pierre, X Coumoul, C Julia, EKesse-Guyot, B Alles, P Galan, S Hercberg, M Deschasaux-Tanguy, and  Touvier. Food additive emulsifiers and cancer risk: Results from the French prospective NutriNet-Sant´e cohort. PLoS Medicine, 21(2): e1004338, 2024.
  • F Gueraud, C Buisson, A Promeyrat, N Naud, E Fouche, V Bezirard, J Dupuy, P Plaisancie, C Helies-Toussaint, L Trouilh, J-L Martin, S Jeuge, E Keuleyan, N Petit, L Aubry, V Theodorou, B Fremaux, M Olier, G Caderni, T Kostka, G Nassy, V Sante-Lhoutellier, and F Pierre. Effects of sodium nitrite reduction, removal or replacement on cured and cooked meat for microbiological growth, food safety, colon ecosystem, and colorectal carcinogenesis in Fischer 344 rats. npj Science of Food, 7(1):53, December 2023.


  • Laury Sellem, Bernard Srour, Guillaume Javaux, Eloi Chazelas, Benoit Chassaing, Emilie Viennois, Charlotte Debras, Clara Salame, Nathalie Druesne-Pecollo, Younes Esseddik, Fabien Szabo de Edelenyi, Cedric Agaesse, Alexandre de Sa, Rebecca Lutchia, Erwan Louveau, Inge Huybrechts, Fabrice H.F. Pierre, Xavier Coumoul, Leopold K Fezeu, Chantal Julia, Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Benjamin Alles, Pilar Galan, Serge Hercberg, Melanie Deschasaux-Tanguy, and Mathilde Touvier. Food additive emulsifiers and risk of cardiovascular disease in the NutriNet-Sante cohort: prospective cohort study. BMJ - British Medical Journal, 382:e076058, September 2023.
  • Celine Ben Hassen, Caroline Goupille, Claire Vigor, Thierry Durand, Francoise Gueraud, Sandrine Silvente-Poirot, Marc Poirot, and Philippe G. Frank. Is cholesterol a risk factor for breast cancer incidence and outcome? Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, page 106346, June 2023.
  • Sophie Prache, Camille Adamiec, Thierry Astruc, Elisabeth Baeza, Pierre-Etienne Bouillot, Antoine Clinquart, Estelle Fourat, Joel Gautron, Agnes Girard, Laurent Guillier, Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Benedicte Lebret, Florence Lefevre, Sophie Le Perchec, Bruno Martin, Pierre-sylvain Mirade, Fabrice Pierre, Megane Raulet, Didier Remond, Pierre Sans, Isabelle Souchon, Catherine Donnars, and Veronique Sante-Lhoutellier. Quality of animal-source foods: lessons from a collective sci- entific expertise. INRAE Productions Animales, 36:7480, May 2023.
  • Bernard Srour, Eloi Chazelas, Nathalie Druesne-Pecollo, Younes Esseddik, Fabien Szabo de Edelenyi, Cedric Agaesse, Alexandre de Sa, Rebecca Lutchia, Charlotte Debras, Laury Sellem, Inge Huybrechts, Chantal Julia, Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Benjamin Alles, Pilar Galan, Serge Hercberg, Fabrice Pierre, Melanie Deschasaux-Tanguy, and Mathilde Touvier. Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Sant´e population-based cohort study. PLoS Medicine, 20(1):e1004149, January 2023.
  • Loic Mervant, Marie Tremblay-Franco, Maiwenn Olier, Emilien Jamin, Jean-francois Martin, Lidwine Trouilh, Charline Buisson, Nathalie Naud, Claire Maslo, Cecile Helies-Toussaint, Edwin Fouche, Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Serge Hercberg, Pilar Galan, Melanie Deschasaux-Tanguy, Mathilde Touvier, Fabrice H.F. Pierre, Laurent Debrauwer, and Francoise Gueraud. Urinary Metabolome Analysis Reveals Potential Microbiota Alteration and Electrophilic Burden Induced by High Red Meat Diet: Results from the French NutriNet-Sante Cohort and an in vivo Intervention Study in Rats. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, page 2200432, 2023.
  • Julien Vignard, Aurelie Pettes-Duler, Eric Gaultier, Christel Cartier, Laurent Weingarten, Antje Biesemeier, Tatjana Taubitz, Philippe Pinton, Cecilia Bebeacua, Laurent Devoille, Jacques Dupuy, Elisa Boutet-Robinet, Nicolas Feltin, Isabelle P. Oswald, Fabrice H.F. Pierre, Bruno Lamas, Gladys Mirey, and Eric Houdeau. Food-grade titanium dioxide translocates across the buccal mucosa in pigs and induces genotoxicity in an in vitro model of human oral epithelium. Nanotoxicology, pages 1–21, 2023.


  • Nitrites, Nitrates, and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Are We Living "La Vie en Rose" With Pink Processed Meats? Srour B, Chazelas E, Fezeu LK, Javaux G, Pierre F, Huybrechts I, Hercberg S, Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Dec 20;11(24)
  • Dietary exposure to acrylamide and breast cancer risk: results from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Bellicha A, Wendeu-Foyet G, Coumoul X, Koual M, Pierre F, Guéraud F, Zelek L, Debras C, Srour B, Sellem L, Kesse-Guyot E, Julia C, Galan P, Hercberg S, Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Touvier M. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 Oct 6;116(4)
  • Study of the colonic epithelial-mesenchymal dialogue through establishment of two activated or not mesenchymal cell lines: Activated and resting ones differentially modulate colonocytes in co-culture. Plaisancié P, Buisson C, Fouché E, Martin P, Noirot C, Maslo C, Dupuy J, Guéraud F, Pierre F. PLoS One. 2022 Aug 30;17(8)
  • Maternal heme-enriched diet promotes a gut pro-oxidative status associated with microbiota alteration, gut leakiness and glucose intolerance in mice offspring. Mazenc A, Mervant L, Maslo C, Lencina C, Bézirard V, Levêque M, Ahn I, Alquier-Bacquié V, Naud N, Héliès-Toussaint C, Debrauwer L, Chevolleau S, Guéraud F, Pierre FHF, Théodorou V, Olier M. Redox Biol. 2022 Jul;53:102333
  • Curcumin and NCLX inhibitors share anti-tumoral mechanisms in microsatellite-instability-driven colorectal cancer. Guéguinou M, Ibrahim S, Bourgeais J, Robert A, Pathak T, Zhang X, Crottès D, Dupuy J, Ternant D, Monbet V, Guibon R, Flores-Romero H, Lefèvre A, Lerondel S, Le Pape A, Dumas JF, Frank PG, Girault A, Chautard R, Guéraud F, García-Sáez AJ, Ouaissi M, Emond P, Sire O, Hérault O, Fromont-Hankard G, Vandier C, Tougeron D, Trebak M, Raoul W, Lecomte T. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022 May 8;79(6):284.
  • Nitrites and nitrates from food additives and natural sources and cancer risk: results from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Chazelas E, Pierre F, Druesne-Pecollo N, Esseddik Y, Szabo de Edelenyi F, Agaesse C, De Sa A, Lutchia R, Gigandet S, Srour B, Debras C, Huybrechts I, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Allès B, Galan P, Hercberg S, Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Touvier M. Int J Epidemiol. 51(4):1106–1119, August 2022.
  • Food additive emulsifiers and cancer risk: results from the French prospective NutriNet-Sant´e cohort. L Sellem, B Srour, E Chazelas, C Debras, B Chassaing, I. Huybrechts, F.H.F. Pierre,X. Coumoul, M Deschasaux-Tanguy, and M Touvier. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement 3), October 2022.
  • Review: Quality of animal-source foods.  S Prache, C Adamiec, T Astruc, E Baeza, P-E E Bouillot, A Clinquart, C Feidt, E Fourat, J Gautron, A Girard, L Guillier, E Kesse-Guyot, B Lebret, F Lefevre, S Le Perchec, B Martin, P-S Mirade, F H.F. Pierre, M Raulet, D Remond, P Sans, I Souchon, C Donnars, and V Sante-Lhoutellier. Animal, 16(Suppl. 1):100376, 2022. 


  • Exposure to food additive mixtures in 106,000 French adults from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Chazelas E, Druesne-Pecollo N, Esseddik Y, de Edelenyi FS, Agaesse C, De Sa A, Lutchia R, Rebouillat P, Srour B, Debras C, Wendeu-Foyet G, Huybrechts I, Pierre F, Coumoul X, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Allès B, Galan P, Hercberg S, Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Touvier M. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 4;11(1):19680.
  • Short-Term and Long-Term Carcinogenic Effects of Food Contaminants (4-Hydroxynonenal and Pesticides) on Colorectal Human Cells: Involvement of Genotoxic and Non-Genomic Mechanisms. Arnaud LC, Gauthier T, Le Naour A, Hashim S, Naud N, Shay JW, Pierre FH, Boutet-Robinet E, Huc L. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 27;13(17):4337.
  • Towards Aldehydomics: Untargeted Trapping and Analysis of Reactive Diet-Related Carbonyl Compounds Formed in the Intestinal Lumen.  Chevolleau S, Noguer-Meireles MH, Mervant L, Martin JF, Jouanin I, Pierre F, Naud N, Guéraud F, Debrauwer L. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Aug 6;10(8):1261.
  • Anxiety is a potential effect modifier of the association between red and processed meat consumption and cancer risk: findings from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Beslay M, Srour B, Deschasaux M, Fouché E, Naud N, Bacquié V, Guéraud F, Andreeva VA, Péneau S, Chazelas E, Debras C, Hercberg S, Latino-Martel P, Theodorou V, Pierre F, Touvier M. Eur J Nutr. 2021 Jun;60(4):1887-1896.
  • Osmolality-based normalization enhances statistical discrimination of untargeted metabolomic urine analysis: results from a comparative study. Mervant L, Tremblay-Franco M, Jamin EL, Kesse-Guyot E, Galan P, Martin JF, Guéraud F, Debrauwer L. Metabolomics. 2021 Jan 2;17(1):2.
  • Dietary heme iron intake induces gut dysbiosis and luminal reactive aldehydes production leading to viceral hypersensitivity. A Mazenc, V Tondereau, C Maslo, F Gueraud, H Eutamene, V Theodorou, F.H.F. Pierre, and M Olier.  Gastroenterology, 160(6):S–631, May 2021. 
  • Public health risck-benefit assessment of red meatin France : Current consumption and alternative scenarios. Mota JO, Guillou S, Pierre F, Membre JM. Food Chem Toxicol. 2021 Mar; 149:111994.
  • Regulation and Consumer Interest in an Antioxidant-Enriched Ham Associated with Reduced Colorectal Cancer Risks.S Marette, F Gu´eraud, and F H.F. Pierre. Nutrients, 13(5): 1542, May 2021.


  • Heme-Iron-Induced Production of 4-Hydroxynonenal in Intestinal Lumen May Have Extra-Intestinal Consequences through Protein-Adduct Formation. Keller J, Chevolleau S, Noguer-Meireles MH, Pujos-Guillot E, Delosière M, Chantelauze C, Joly C, Blas-Y-Estrada F, Jouanin I, Durand D, Pierre F, Debrauwer L, Theodorou V, Guéraud F. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Dec 17;9(12):1293.
  • Lactose and Fructo-oligosaccharides Increase Visceral Sensitivity in Mice via Glycation Processes, Increasing Mast Cell Density in Colonic Mucosa. Kamphuis JBJ, Guiard B, Leveque M, Olier M, Jouanin I, Yvon S, Tondereau V, Rivière P, Guéraud F, Chevolleau S, Noguer-Meireles MH, Martin JF, Debrauwer L, Eutamène H, Theodorou V. Gastroenterology. 2020 Feb;158(3):652-663.e6.
  • Opuntia cladode powders inhibit adipogenesis in 3 T3-F442A adipocytes and a high-fat-diet rat model by modifying metabolic parameters and favouring faecal fat excretion. Héliès-Toussaint C, Fouché E, Naud N, Blas-Y-Estrada F, Del Socorro Santos- Diaz M, Nègre-Salvayre A, Barba de la Rosa AP, Guéraud F. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2020 Feb 5;20(1):33.
  • Global Profiling of Toxicologically Relevant Metabolites in Urine: Case Study of Reactive Aldehydes. Jamin EL, Costantino R, Mervant L, Martin JF, Jouanin I, Blas-Y-Estrada F, Guéraud F, Debrauwer L. Anal Chem. 2020 Jan 21;92(2):1746-1754.


  • Fecal microbiome as determinant of the effect of diet on colorectal cancer risk: comparison of meat-based versus pesco- vegetarian diets (the MeaTIc study). Sofi F, Dinu M, Pagliai G, Pierre F, Gueraud F, Bowman J, Gerard P, Longo V, Giovannelli L, Caderni G, de Filippo C. Trials. 2019 Dec 9;20(1):688.
  • Estimation of the Burden of Iron Deficiency Anemia in France from Iron Intake: Methodological Approach Juliana De Oliveira Mota , Patrick Tounian , Sandrine Guillou , Fabrice Pierre , Jeanne-Marie Membré Nutrients. 2019 Sep 1;11(9):2045.
  • Saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and cancer risk: results from the French prospective cohort NutriNet-Santé. Sellem L, Srour B, Guéraud F, Pierre F, Kesse-Guyot E, Fiolet T, Lavalette C, Egnell M, Latino-Martel P, Fassier P, Hercberg S, Galan P, Deschasaux M, Touvier M. Eur J Nutr.2019 Jun;58(4):1515-1527.
  • Haem iron reshapes colonic luminal environment: impact on mucosal homeostasis and microbiome through aldehyde formation. Martin OCB, Olier M, Ellero-Simatos S, Naud N, Dupuy J, Huc L, Taché S, Graillot V, Levêque M, Bézirard V, Héliès-Toussaint C, Estrada FBY, Tondereau V, Lippi Y, Naylies C, Peyriga L, Canlet C, Davila AM, Blachier F, Ferrier L, Boutet-Robinet E, Guéraud F, Théodorou V, Pierre FHF. Microbiome. 2019 May 6;7(1):72.


  • Association between a pro plant-based dietary score and cancer risk in the prospective NutriNet-santé cohort. Kane-Diallo A, Srour B, Sellem L, Deschasaux M, Latino-Martel P, Hercberg S, Galan P, Fassier P, Guéraud F, Pierre FH, Kesse-Guyot E, Allès B, Touvier M. Int J Cancer. 2018 Nov 1;143(9):2168-2176.
  • Targeting Colon Luminal Lipid Peroxidation Limits Colon Carcinogenesis Associated with Red Meat Consumption. Martin OCB, Naud N, Taché S, Debrauwer L, Chevolleau S, Dupuy J, Chantelauze C, Durand D, Pujos-Guillot E, Blas-Y-Estrada F,Urbano C, Kuhnle GGC, Santé-Lhoutellier V, Sayd T, Viala D, Blot A, Meunier N, Schlich P, Attaix D, Guéraud F, Scislowski V, Corpet DE, Pierre FHF. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2018 Sep;11(9):569-580.
  • Helicobacter pylori-associated insulin resistance in asymptomatic sedentary young men does not correlate with inflammatory markers and urine levels of 8-iso-PGF2-α or 1,4- dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid.  Cherkas A, Golota S, Guéraud F, Abrahamovych O, Pichler C, Nersesyan A, Krupak V, Bugiichyk V, Yatskevych O, Pliatsko M, Eckl P, Knasmüller S. A Arch Physiol Biochem. 2018 Jul;124(3):275-285.
  • Development and validation of an ultra high performance liquid chromatography-lectrospray tandem mass spectrometry method using selective derivatisation, for the quantification of two reactive aldehydes produced by lipid peroxidation, HNE (4-hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal) and HHE (4-hydroxy-2(E)-hexenal) in faecal water. Chevolleau S, Noguer-Meireles MH, Jouanin I, Naud N, Pierre F, Gueraud F, Debrauwer L. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2018 Apr 15; 1083:171-179.
  • Red and processed meat intake and cancer risk: Results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort study Abou Diallo, Mélanie Deschasaux , Paule Latino-Martel, Serge Hercberg , Pilar Galan , Philippine Fassier , Benjamin Allès , Françoise Guéraud, Fabrice H Pierre , Mathilde Touvier  Int J Cancer. 2018 Jan 15 ; 142(2):230-237.