

  • Loïc Mervant Currently : Post Doctorate, The Francis Crick Institute UK. Thesis defended on 17/03/2022 :Use of the metabolomic approach without a priori of urinary metabolites from electrophilic compounds to understand the relationship between red meat and colorectal cancer.
  •  Marie Beslay Next: post-doctorate INSERM CERPOP team, Pharmacology and epidemiology. Thesis defended on 13/04/2021: Effect of anxiety on the association between heme iron and colorectal cancer risk: a multidisciplinary approach.
  •  Julia Keller Next: ARC CHU Toulouse. Thesis defended 08/12/2016: 4- hydroxynonenal, an oxidation product of dietary lipids: study of metabolism and role in inflammation and colorectal carcinogenesis.
  • Reggie Surya Next: MCU Binius University, Jakarta, Indonesia. SEVAB thesis defended 05/09/2016: Red Meat and Colorectal Cancer: lipid peroxidation-derived products induce different apoptosis, autophagy and Nrf2-related responses in normal and preneoplastic colon cells.
  • Océane Martin Next: MCU Bordeaux University. Thesis (CIFRE ADIV-INRA) defended on 12/03/2015: Promotion of colorectal carcinogenesis by heme iron in meats: nutritional prevention, role of microbiota and inflammation: Colon carcinogenesis prevention strategies /Post doctorate: Karolinska Institutetpar  Stratégies préventive de la cancéro. colon /Post doctorat :Karolinska Institutet
  • Sabine Dalleau Next: European Medical Science Liaison / Syneos Health. SEVAB thesis defended on 06/12/2013: Red meat and colorectal cancer: is 4-hydroxynonenal the missing link?
  • Nadia Bastide Next: editor-in-chief of Biologiste infos. Thesis defended 06/11/2012: Heme iron and colorectal cancer: study of mechanisms and search for preventive strategies
  •  Raphaëlle Santarelli Next: Project Manager at e-santé Occitanie. SEVAB thesis defended on 22/02/2010: Processed meat and colorectal carcinogenesis. Food additives and manufacturing processes inhibiting promotion in rats.