PIERRE Fabrice
Co- leader of the PPCF team
Fabrice obtained his PhD in 1999 from the University of Nantes (INSERM U419, supervised by Dr Jean Memanteau). This doctoral project focused on the immunoprophylaxis of colorectal cancers by fermentable indigestible carbohydrates. After a year at the Institut Pasteur working on the virulence of Yersinia Pestis (Dr Elisabeth Carniel's team) and a year at the University of Burgundy working on the food bacterium Oenococcus oeni (formerly Leuconostoc oenos, Dr Jean Guzzo's team), he joined the PPCA team in 2002. He is currently co-leader of the team with Dr Françoise Guéraud, and a member of the Nutrition Activité physique Cancer Recherche (NACRe) network and the steering committees of the INRAE SYALSA (Food Systems & Health) and Biosefaire (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) metaprograms. His main areas of expertise concern the relationship between food, food additives, neo-formed products, food contaminants and colon cancer. In addition to work on the relationship between dietary fibers, red meats and deli meats and the initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis, he is developing interdisciplinary work integrating the food system and benefit-risk analyses in food toxicology.