

Co-team leader of Integrative Toxicology & Metabolism team

Ph.D., H.D.R., DR1 INRAE

Hervé obtained his PhD in 2004 in Rennes (Agrocampus Ouest, supervision by Pr Legrand and Dr D'Andrea). There, he studied a critical gene in fatty acid metabolism (FADS2) through cellular biology and biochimical approaches. Then, for three years he has been a post-doctoral scientist in Dr Len Stephens and Dr Phill Hawkins' group (Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK) where he worked on PI3-Kinase signalling. He joined the Integrative Toxicology and Metabolism group in 2008. His work in the group aims at developing approaches that could allow a better understanding of how changes in hepatic lipid metabolism may result from or influence endocrine disruption.


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Ph.D. Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts engineer

Sandrine did her PhD in molecular toxicology at INSERM, University Paris 5, under the supervision of Dr. I. de Waziers, between 2006 and 2010. She investigated the molecular consequences of the exposure of human adipose tissue to various environmental polluants, using ex-vivo adipose tissue models and “omics” technologies (transcriptomics, metabolomics). From 2010 until 2013, she did her post-doc at the Netherlands Metabolomics Center in collaboration with Pr. T. Hankemeier at Leiden University, investigating pharmaco-metabolomics. In collaboration with the Pharmacometabolomics Research Network (Duke University), she aimed at determining the metabolic determinants of the variation of response to anti platelet drugs. Since 2014, she works at INRA and is interested in the interactions between food contaminants and gut microbiota.


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Co-team leader of Integrative Toxicology & Metabolism


Nicolas, an organic chemist by training, did a thesis at CEA Saclay under the supervision of Pr M. Delaforge at the interface of Chemistry, Hepatic Metabolism and Molecular Modeling of interactions between contaminants and membrane proteins. He was recruited at INRA in 2002 as CR2 to study the fate of mycotoxins in livestock. In order to deepen his knowledge on sphingolipid metabolism, Nicolas chose to do a post-doctoral period in the Dermatology research unit of the VA Medical Center in San Francisco (Dr. Uchida Y. and Pr Holleran W. team) where he studied the sphingolipid composition of the Stratum Corneum and their implications in Gaucher's disease, Harlequin Ichthyosis and Atopic Dermatitis Upon his return from his post-doctoral studies, Nicolas joined the Integrative Toxicology and Metabolism team in order to develop toxicology projects integrating lipidomics and transcriptomics approaches. His current research project focuses on the impact of contaminants and environmental factors on hepatic metabolism.


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Laurence Gamet - Payrastre - senior researcher - Her researches are focused on the impact of chronic exposure to low doses of pesticide mixture. She coordinated two research projects between 2008 and 2012 supported by ANR and ANSES focused on the impact of pesticides mixtures at low doses on various physiological functions and on the characterization of such an exposure using metabonomics approach; she worked in collaboration with internal INRA teams, and with INSERM U563 and Neuroservice. She was involved in the INSERM collective expertise (report published in 2013) on the impact of pesticides on health. She is a member of the Anses expert committee on Biocides toxicity. She has directed two expertise elected by COSMAP (Ministry of Agriculture, food and forestry ) in collaboration with the University of Louvain (Belgium) (Identification of pesticides involved in the occurrence of leukemia in adults occupationally exposed -Bibliographic review on the impact of pesticides mixtures).


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WAHLI Walter

Invited Professor NTU LKC Medical School of Singapour

Walter Wahli, professor emeritus of the University of Lausanne and professor at the University of Singapore, joins the Integrative Toxicology and Metabolism research team of TOXALIM Supported by the Midi-Pyrenees Regional Council, the annual Pierre de Fermat Research Chairs are intended to host very high level foreign researchers, around a project within a team of a higher education and/or research organisation of Midi-Pyrenees. This year, among the winners, Walter Wahli, a recognized molecular endocrinology specialist, who studies hormonal disturbances of the energy balance of cells, which can lead to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Understanding of the regulation of hepatic metabolism is a fundamental issue, particularly for research in the fields of food toxicology and nutrition. In continuation of projects already initiated, Walter Wahli will work for 2 years in collaboration with the research team headed by Herve Guillou (TIM), on the role of activated peroxisome proliferator receptors (PPARs), which control some genes with hepatic activity crucial for cell survival. In particular, these receptors are responsive to metabolites of nutrients (including lipids) and xenobiotics (such as drugs and food contaminants). The expected results will provide new fundamental knowledge on the role of PPARs in the liver, their gene targets and their physiological importance in vivo. In the longer term, this project will highlight whether the liver is the organ to focus in research on nutrients that may affect the development of certain metabolic diseases related to the obesity epidemic. In parallel, this work will also assess the possible influence of the intestinal microbiota on liver functions and its consequences on the animal's physiology.

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Ph.D. PharmD, PhD, HDR - PR1 UPS, UFR Santé-Pharmacy Department

Elisa, Professor of Toxicology, prepared a thesis in pharmaco-toxicology of G-protein coupled receptors, within Pierre Fabre Laboratories. After a post-doctorate at Inserm (Laboratory of Biology and Digestive Pathology) and a temporal position as associate Professor, Elisa was recruited as a lecturer in Toxicology in 2005 at Toulouse University-Faculty of Pharmacy. She first worked in epidemiology and public health, in collaboration with the Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development (ISPED) of Bordeaux in the context of occupational exposure to pesticides. In order to develop molecular epidemiology projects, Elisa joined the team of Bernard Salles at IPBS (Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology of Toulouse) and ToxAlim in 2011, where she first studied pesticides and their ability to generate DNA damage in farmers' cohorts. She has diversified her research by studying the genotoxicity of pesticides and other contaminants on relevant experimental cellular models in the context of xenobiotics exposure. Elisa joined the TIM team in early 2022. She is notably developing a project there on the toxicity of pesticides, with a collaboration with the CRCT (Toulouse Cancer Research Center).


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Hervé, University Professor, is interested in the development of hepatic steatosis in overfed palmipeds. Hervé first carried out numerous studies on muscle development and poultry meat quality at INRA Tours-Nouzilly, then at the UMR INRA-INP/ENSAT Tandem. Since the beginning of 2010, he has been interested in the development of hepatic steatosis in fatty palmipeds, first within the UMR INRA-INP/ENSAT-ENVT GenPhySE and joined the TIM-ToxAlim team at the beginning of 2021. In parallel to his research work, Hervé REMIGNON teaches animal sciences at INP-ENSAT where he has also previously held numerous administrative responsibilities. He regularly carries out evaluation missions of higher education institutions on behalf of the HCERES.


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Anne completed her PhD at the Toulouse Purpan Physiopathology Center (INSERM U563, CPTP, Toulouse) under the supervision of Dr Muriel Laffargue during which I studied the role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3Kγ) dependent signaling in arterial pathologies, particularly atherosclerosis and its complications. She then completed her first post-doctoral fellowship in the team of Dr. Alexey Pshezhetsky at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center in Montreal where she worked on the regulation of insulin signaling by neuraminidases. Since 2017, Anne joined the TIM team to perform a second post-doc and obtained in 2018 an Agreenskills funding. Her project consisted in better understanding the transcriptional control of ketogenesis and hepatokine FGF21, two vital functions performed by the liver. Anne was recruited to the team in September 2021 and is currently developing a project combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to study the hepatic and systemic effects of dietary nutrients and contaminants and to identify the mechanisms involved.


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Frederic has been recruited at INRA in 1989. He worked in Tours (UR86 INRA "Bioagresseurs"), then in Toulouse (UMR1225 INRA-ENVT "Interactions hôtes-agents pathogène") before joining the team in late 1999. He strongly contributed to develop transcriptomic tools in the team and has worked on studying the molecular mechanisms elicited by di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), a plasticizer and food contaminant.


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After 3 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Arnaud was recruited at INRA in late 2005. He developed an expertise in real-time quantitative PCR assays and performs several experimental protocols, from animal studies to molecular biology assays. He is involved in virtually all projects in the team.


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SUDRE Séverine


Séverine was recruited in 2007 at INRA. She works with Laurence Payrastre on the impact of pesticides on human health using as a model human cancer cells CaCo2. Most of his work is to ensure the monitoring and maintenance of cell lines. She manages all stock management, orders and organizes the functioning of the laboratory (storage of glassware, pipettes metrology team). Séverine is the corresponding quality of the team and works closely with the Quality Manager and other related quality of other teams. She writes and distributes the internal communication newsletter of the unit, 'Toxal'Infos'.


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Valérie joined the institute in 2008 and joined the team in 2021. Supported by INRA for 3 years in her training project, she obtained the Diploma in Life and Earth Sciences from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in 2017. In charge of setting up histology and biochemistry techniques in the team, she is also invested in transversal missions, such as SBEA.


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Technician assistant (Faculty of Pharmacy) University of Toulouse-Paul Sabatier (UPS)

Saleha was recruited in the Toxicology Service of the Department of Pharmacy of the Département de Pharmacie of the UFR Santé (Université de Toulouse) in 2008. She worked from 2008 to 2010 at IPBS Research Centre in the team of Bernard Salles, then at ToxAlim since 2010. Saleha joined the TIM team in 2022. At university, Saleha is in charge of the preparation of practical work for 3rd year students. Within the team, Saleha provides essential logistical tasks (orders, laboratory management). Saleha is involved in the experimentation of the team's scientific projects (techniques: cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology) and in missions of collective interest (quality, metrology, autoclave operation, liquid nitrogen handling).


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PERRIER Prunelle


Following the completion of a DUT in Biological Engineering with a major in Biological and Biochemical Analysis, Prunelle assumed the role of assistant engineer at the IRSD in Toulouse (INSERM) for a period of four and a half years. Prunelle's responsibilities within the team encompass the culturing and processing of murine hepatocytes.


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PhD Student

Thesis project (2022-2025): Effect of the environment on the development of metabolic liver diseases.


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BRUSE Justine

PhD Student

Thesis project (2022-2025) :Physiological role and regulation of hepatocyte PPARα activity in the dialogue between liver and adipose tissue.


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GUYON Camille

PhD Student and IPR Internship (Research and Pharmaceutical Innovation)

Thesis Project (2021-2024): Role of the unknown class III isoform of PI3K in pancreatic cancer. Project co-supervised by the TIM team of toxalim and the SigDyn team of the Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse.


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PhD Student

Thesis project (2024-2027): Interactions between glyphosate and the gut microbiota: consequences for the gut-liver axis in mice.


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PhD Student

Thesis project (2024-2027): Deciphering the intestine-liver axis in autoimmune digestive diseases; focus on FXR and intestinal permeability co-supervision with Dr Emmanuel MAS - PU-PH - Toulouse University Hospital


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