+33 582 06 63 89
Ph.D., H.D.R., DR1 INRAE
Co-team leader of Integrative Toxicology & Metabolism team
Hervé obtained his PhD in 2004 in Rennes (Agrocampus Ouest, supervision by Pr Legrand and Dr D'Andrea). There, he studied a critical gene in fatty acid metabolism (FADS2) through cellular biology and biochimical approaches. Then, for three years he has been a post-doctoral scientist in Dr Len Stephens and Dr Phill Hawkins' group (Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK) where he worked on PI3-Kinase signalling. He joined the Integrative Toxicology and Metabolism group in 2008. His work in the group aims at developing approaches that could allow a better understanding of how changes in hepatic lipid metabolism may result from or influence endocrine disruption.