+33 582 06 63 89
Hervé, University Professor, is interested in the development of hepatic steatosis in overfed palmipeds. Hervé first carried out numerous studies on muscle development and poultry meat quality at INRA Tours-Nouzilly, then at the UMR INRA-INP/ENSAT Tandem. Since the beginning of 2010, he has been interested in the development of hepatic steatosis in fatty palmipeds, first within the UMR INRA-INP/ENSAT-ENVT GenPhySE and joined the TIM-ToxAlim team at the beginning of 2021. In parallel to his research work, Hervé REMIGNON teaches animal sciences at INP-ENSAT where he has also previously held numerous administrative responsibilities. He regularly carries out evaluation missions of higher education institutions on behalf of the HCERES.