
An extract of fermented soy germ (SG) shows activities that can mitigate the symptoms of irritable bowel

The study results reinforce the rationale for the use of FSG as adjunctive therapy for this digestive pathology.

Increased intestinal permeability and visceral sensitivity disturbance are major pathophysiological features of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition of low morbidity but high prevalence (5-10% of the general population). IBS symptoms are exacerbated by stress.
The Neuro-Gastroenterology and Nutrition team (E4-NGN) of TOXALIM, headed by Vassilia Theodorou (EI Purpan) evaluated the effects of an oral treatment with an ingredient produced by fermentation of soy germ (Glycine max (L .) Merr.) vis-à-vis intestinal disturbances induced by psychological stress.

  • The product's value is linked to its richness in bioactive products such as isoflavones (phytoestrogens) present in the aglycone form (highly bioavailable);
  • The most striking result is that treatment with fermented soy germ (FSG) prevents the deleterious effects of stress on the intestinal epithelium.
  • The histochemical study showed that treatment with GSF decreased the density of mucosal mast cells (cells whose degranulation induced by stress conditions, releases mediators that are able to provoke visceral pain and/or increase intestinal permeability).

This study is part of the CIFRE PhD thesis of Lara Moussa (Toulouse 3 Universtity), and has been released as an original article published in Clinical Nutrition 32 (2013) 51-58*