In 2012, INRA recruits 53 senior reseachers on projects

INRA organizes competitions for the recruitment of 53 senior researchers with experience in the definition and implementation of research projects.

Registration is open until 3 September 2012.

6 Research Officers (CR1) on project

These recruitments are open:

  • to candidates having 4 years of research practice and a PhD (or equivalent)
  • to candidates justifying equivalent work experience.

Lines of research that candidate projects should address are food, agriculture and the environment.

> Application, calendar

47 Research Directors (DR2) on project

These recruitments are open:

  • to candidates having eight years of research practice and a PhD (or equivalent)
  • to candidates justifying equivalent scientific activities.

Lines of research projects that candidate projetcs should address are agriculture and the environment, economics and social sciences digital, ecology, plant and animal health, genetics and physiology of animals and plants, human nutrition, food safety and process engineering, management research.

> Application, calendar