Genotoxicity & Signaling Team

Team leader and contact:

Gladys MIREY
180, chemin de Tournefeuille, BP 93173
31027 Toulouse Cedex 3

Phone: +33 582 06 63 00
Fax: +33 561 28 52 44

Team members


(see picture from left to right, 1st rank then 2nd rank)

  • Julie FINKEL, Master Biosanté (2018)
  • Saleha HASHIM, Tech. (Faculty of Pharmacy)
  • Gladys MIREY, PhD, PI and team leader (INRAE)
  • Anne FERNANDEZ-VIDAL, PhD, Ass. Prof. (Faculty of Pharmacy)
  • Aloïs CHEVALIER, Tech. Internship (2018 & 2019)
  • Julien VIGNARD, PhD, PI (INRAE)
  • Thomas SAPIR, Microbiology Master (2018)
  • Aurélie BOBET, Master Biosanté (2018)
  • Benoît PONS, PhD student (2016-2019)

Not on the picture:

  • Soraya TADRIST, Tech. INRAE (arrived Oct. 2018)
  • Catherine BOUCHENOT, Tech. Faculty of Pharmacy (arrived Feb. 2019)
  • Aurélie PETTES, Assistant Engineer (arrived Feb. 2019)
  • William TREMBLAY, Master student (arrived Feb. 2019)
  • Florence MOMPART, Assistant Engineer INRAE (arrived April 2019)
  • Patrick ROUIMI, PhD, PI (INRAE)

1) Staff

(alphabetical order)

Catherine BOUCHENOT, Technician (Faculty of Pharmacy)

Tel : +33 582 06 63 44
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Catherine was recruited in 2009 as Technician at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Toulouse, within the Biochemistry department. She worked for 10 years at CRCT Inserm (team 3 - RhoGTPases in tumor progression), mainly on the subcellular localization of RhoGTPases thanks to the "split-GFP" complementation system. In February 2019, she joined the team and is now working on the genotoxic effects of the Cytolethal Distending Toxin (CDT) in colorectal carcinogenesis.​

Gladys MIREY (PhD, HDR), INRAE Research Director

Tel : +33 582 06 63 68
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Gladys received her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology in 2000 in Paris (Institut Curie) and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University in the United States and at the University of Toulouse. Her work focuses on the study of signaling pathways and the regulation of the cell cycle. Lecturer in Cell Biology in Strasbourg, she joined the team of B. Salles in 2008 and directed its activity towards the development of biotracers to characterize and monitor the effects of genotoxic substances.

Florence MOMPART, INRAE Engineer

Tel : +33 582 06 63 63
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Florence worked 8 years at INRA Tours to understand the mechanisms responsible for the virulence and carriage of Salmonella in poultry farms. She studied in vivo and in vitro infections, and achieved kinetics of Salmonella contamination (molecular biology studies). Florence joined Genphyse Unit in Auzeville in 2001 and focused on cell genetics approaches. She contributed to the realization of the comparative map Man-Pig by high-throughput PCR, studied functional mapping and 3D architecture of the nucleus in order to understand the mechanisms of gene regulation (immunity genes and genes subjected to parental fingerprinting) in their chromatin environment, at the cell scale (FISH3D and confocal microscopy). Florence joined the team in 2019 and is now working on the genotoxic effects of the Cytolethal Distending Toxin (CDT) in colorectal carcinogenesis.

Aurélie PETTES, Ass. Engineer (2019-2021)

Tel : +33 582 06 64 19
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Aurélie obtained a Master's degree (Pharmacology Innovation) at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. During her training, she completed two 5-month internships (CRCT at JJ Fournier's lab, on lymphocytes of CLL patients to study treatment response, and I2MC at C.Galès's lab to study the response of GPCRs agonists). She is now working on the NP-scope project to study nanoparticles effects on oral epithelial cells.

Patrick ROUIMI, (PhD, INRAE)

Tel : +33 582 06 63 64
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Patrick received his Ph.D. in Cellular Biology and has been recruited by INRA. Patrick is interested by xenobiotic metabolism and joined the team in September 2019 to bring his know-how to study the effects of genotoxic substances. He also studies signaling pathways involved in the cell death-survival balance.

Soraya TADRIST, INRAE Technician

Tel : +33 582 06 63 64
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Soraya joined INRA in 2000 and has been a technician for 10 years. She joined the team in November 2018. Her activities are dedicated to molecular biology (PCR amplification, site-directed mutagenesis, cloning, sequence analysis).

Julien VIGNARD, (PhD), INRAE Scientist/Researcher

Tel : +33 582 06 63 64
Fax : +33 561 28 52 44

  • Julien received his Ph.D. in Cellular Biology at INRA Versailles, in 2007 before moving to Canada for a post-doctoral leave (J.Y. Masson, Quebec) mainly focused on DNA damage repair mechanisms by particularly focusing on homologous recombination. Julien joined our team in September 2011 as a Research Fellow and currently focuses on the development of biomarkers of DNA damage in order to develop new tests of genotoxicity.

2) Former Trainees/team members

(by date)

Anne FERNANDEZ-VIDAL, Ass. Prof. (2015-2020)

  • Anne received her Ph.D from Toulouse University in 2008 (INSERM-U563, B Payrastre team), where she analyzed the impact of microenvironment on the proliferation of hematopoietic cells. She completed her post-doctoral (J-S Hoffmann’s team, CNRS - INSERM U1037) on the mechanisms of control of DNA replication. Anne joined our team in 2015 as Ass. Prof. (Toxicology dpt, Pharmacy faculty of Toulouse) and focused her activities towards the study of replicative stress and host adaptation following exposure to several xenobiotics such as CDT bacterial genotoxin.

Saleha HASHIM, Technician (2011-2020)

  • Saleha was recruited in 2008 and participated to the team creation in 2011. She is technician at the Pharmacy Faculty where she prepares the Toxicology practical courses and participates to the laboratory experiments.

Benoît PONS, PhD student (2016-2019)

  • Benoit studied engineering in biochemistry at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Toulouse. He joined the team in 2016 for his PhD thesis research work, addressing the genotoxic effects of Cytolethal Distending Toxin (CDT) bacterial toxin in colorectal carcinogenesis. Benoît is now a Post-doc in UK.

Vanessa GRAILLOT, Post Doctoral fellow (2015-2017)

  • Vanessa obtained her PhD in Toxicology (University of Toulouse) in 2012 at Toxalim. Her work focused on the quantitative assessment of dietary exposure to mixtures of pesticides and mechanisms of genotoxicity. She was recruited in 2015 to develop a real-time micronucleus assay as part of the Genotrace project.

Bernard SALLES, Prof (2011-2017)

  • Bernard created and headed from 1991 to 2010 the team "Radiobiology and DNA repair" of the IPBS (UMR5089 CNRS / University) dedicated to the repair of DNA lesions and, more recently, DNA breaks. One of the objectives was to validate molecules that sensitize tumor cells to radiation treatment which induce breaks by inhibition of repair activity. The team was supported by various national and regional grants and by the canceropole GSO, the ARC (cancer research association) and La Ligue (League against Cancer labeled team). Bernard leads the new Institute TOXALIM dedicated to the study of food contaminants and their long-term effects on human and animal health.

Elisa BOUTET, Ass. Prof (2011-2017)

  • Elisa studied Pharmacy in Lyon (France) and obtained her PhD in pharmaceutical industry between 1999 and 2002. She completed her post-doctoral and her ATER in cancerology in Toulouse (INSERM, C Susini team). She is Senior Lecturer in Toxicology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Toulouse since 2005. She focused her research in the field of toxicology, including occupational toxicology of pesticides. She has directed its activity towards the genotoxicity of these products by studying DNA damage in samples from a cohort of farmers. In addition to this research on pesticides, Elisa is involved in other collaborative projects to study the genotoxicity of various food contaminants, such as nanoparticles, and especially TiO2.

Marianne CHEVALIER, Ass. Engineer (2014-2017)

  • Marianne obtained a BTS Bioanalyses and Controls at the Lycée Jean Mermoz in Montpellier. She was hired for the project "Pesticides exposure, Biomarkers and Genetic Polymorphisms" funded by ITMO Cancer-INCA (Coordination Elisa Boutet). For this project, she is working on samples from a cohort of farmers exposed to pesticides.

Sarah BETTINI, PhD student (2013-2016)

  • Sarah studied Cellular Biology & Immunology at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3). She joined our team (and team 11) in 2013 for her PhD program. She's working on the genotoxicity of nanoparticles, especially TiO2 as food contaminant.

Elisabeth BEZINE, PhD student (2012-2015)

  • Elisabeth studied Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. She joined our team in 2012 as part of its Master 2 Recherche. Her subject was the study of signaling pathways activated in response to damage caused by the bacterial toxin CDT.

Denis JULLIEN, Post-doc (2011-2013)

  • Denis received his Ph.D. from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 1998. During his postdoctoral fellowship at Edinburgh in the team of Y. Adachi, he was a pioneer in the study of protein 53BP1 foci in double-strand break. He subsequently joined the start-up ENDOCUBE in Toulouse with a translational research project in the field of inflammation. Back in 2007 to the academia, he became interested in controlling G2 / M transition in the team of B. Ducommun, in particular through the regulation of CDC25B phosphatase. Since 2011, he has worked to develop fluorescent sensors for detection of genotoxic stress.

Yoann FEDOR, PhD student (MESR) 2009-2012

  • Yoann joined the team in 2008 on the occasion of his Master 2, on the study of new features of the protein Ku - involved in the repair of double-strand breaks through the mechanism of the Non homologous end joining (NHEJ). He obtained a grant to initiate a doctoral work (2009-2012) and to develop biomarkers of double-strand DNA breaks.

Marie-Laure TRAVERS, Engineer (2010-2011)

  • Marie-Laure joined the team in 2010 to study the mechanisms leading to double-strand breaks in DNA after exposure of cells to toxin CDT. She specialized in flow cytometry but also developped biochemical and cellular approaches.

3) Theses & masters

PhD Thesis

  • ABAD Inés (Erasmus 2021, Zarragoza University, Spain) "Cell effects of milk-derived products". Dir : G Mirey (PhD dir. Maria Lourdes).
  • PONS Benoit (2016-2019, Labex CoLiveTox) "Genotoxic effects of Cytolethal Distending Toxin during mitosis". Dir : 50% G Mirey - 50% B Ducommun (ITAV), Co-dir J Vignard.
  • BETTINI Sarah (2013-2016, Labex Serenade) "Oral exposure to TiO2 nanoparticules in rat model". Dir : 50% E Houdeau - 50% E Boutet.
  • BEZINE Elisabeth (2012-2015, Research Minist. fellowship) "Cytolethal Distending Toxin effect and cell mechanisms". Dir : 50% G Mirey - 50% J Vignard.
  • FEDOR Yoann (2009-2012, Research Minist. fellowship) "Toward detection of DNA double-strand breaks : a model to understand repair mechanisms and a diagnostic tool". (Dir 50% G Mirey - 50% B Salles).



  • Thomas Donnadieu. Master 2 « Biotechnology, Gene expression & Recombinant proteins », Toulouse University. Genotoxic effects of the Cytolethal Distending Toxin (Dir. P Rouimi & J Vignard).
  • Aboubacar Coulibaly. Master 2 « Digestive Health », Toulouse University. Characterization of cocktail effects (Dir. J Vignard).
  • Alexandre Masini. Master 1 « Integrative Biology & Toxicology », Toulouse University. Characterization of genotoxic effects through micronucleus assay (Dir. G Mirey).


  • Deslandes Maxime. Master 2 « Microbiology », Rennes University. Genotoxic effects of the Cytolethal Distending Toxin (Dir. J Vignard).
  • Recoules Cynthia. Master 2 « Pharmacology », Toulouse University. Characterization of genotoxic effects through micronucleus and In cell Western assays integration (Dir. G Mirey and M Audebert).


  • Etienne Vesnie. Master 2 « Vectorology and Therapy », Toulouse University. Chromatibody biotracer to characterize genotoxic effects (Dir. G Mirey).
  • Bittar Céline. Master 1 « Toxicology », Paris University. Characterization of genotoxic effects : toward new genotoxicity assays (Dir. G Mirey).


  • Tremblay William. Master 2 « Integrative Biology and Toxicology », Toulouse University. Genotoxic effects of the Cytolethal Distending Toxin on colon organoids (Dir. A Fernandez-Vidal).
  • Nur Beril. Erasmus. Bursa University, Turkey. Cellular effects of curcumin-derived compounds (Dir. G Mirey).


  • Sapir Thomas. Master 2 « Microbiologie », Université Paul Sabatier. Rôle de la Cytolethal Distending Toxin comme facteur de virulence (Dir. G Mirey).
  • Bobet Aurélie. Master 1 Bio-Santé, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paul Sabatier. Mise en place d’un test de cytotoxicité (Dir. G Mirey).
  • Finkel Julie. Master 1 Bio-Santé, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paul Sabatier. Mise en place d’un test de cytotoxicité (Dir. G Mirey).


  • McKinnon Jasmine. Erasmus. Newcastle University. Micronucleus assay in living cells (Dir. G Mirey & V Graillot).


  • Bouamama Yassine. Master 2 Professionnel « Biologie Intégrative et Toxicologie », Université Paul Sabatier & ENVT. Nouveau test de cytotoxicité pour l’analyse de substances génotoxiques et de leurs mécanismes d’action (Dir. J Vignard & M Audebert)
  • Dupuy Jean-Sébastien. Master 2 « Chimie Santé», Université Paul Sabatier. Génotoxicité de la Cytolethal Distending Toxin et mécanismes d’action (Dir. J Vignard & G Mirey)
  • Méténier Thibault. Master 2 Professionnel « Biologie Intégrative et Toxicologie », Université Paul Sabatier & ENVT. Développement d’un test micronoyau en temps réel (Dir. G Mirey & V Graillot)


  • Dormoy Inge. Master 2 Professionnel « Biologie Intégrative et Toxicologie », Université Paul Sabatier & ENVT. Effet de la Cytolethal Distending Toxin sur la cancérogénèse (Dir. J Vignard & L Huc)
  • Hanique Mélissa. Master 2 Professionnel « Expression Génique et Protéines Recombinantes », Université Paul Sabatier. Génotoxicité de la Cytolethal Distending Toxin et mécanismes d’action (Dir. G Mirey)


  • Malaisé Yann. Master 2 Professionnel « Expression Génique et Protéines Recombinantes », Université Paul Sabatier. Nouveau test de cytotoxicité pour l’analyse de substances génotoxiques et de leurs mécanismes d’action (Dir. J Vignard)
  • Chatel Henri. Master 2 recherche « Biologie Structurale et Fonctionnelle », Université Paul Sabatier. Etude structure-fonction de la toxine bactérienne CDT (Dir. G Mirey)
  • Michel Géraldine. Master 2 Professionnel « Biologie Intégrative et Toxicologie », Université Paul Sabatier & ENVT. Modulation de p53 par les récepteurs PPARs et destinées cellulaires hépatiques (Dir. G Mirey & A Montagner)


  • Ducos Marion. Master 2 Professionnel « Biologie Intégrative et Toxicologie », Université Paul Sabatier & ENVT. Nouveau biomarqueur de cassures double-brin de l’ADN en temps réel. (Dir. D Jullien)
  • Loeuillet Aurore. Master 2 Professionnel « Biosanté » Université Paul Sabatier. Nouvelle approche pour l’analyse de substances génotoxiques et de leurs mécanismes d’action (Dir. J Vignard)


  • Bézine Elisabeth. Master 2 Recherche « Cancérologie » Université Paul Sabatier. Etude des voies de signalisations activées en réponse aux dommages à l’ADN induits par la toxine bactérienne CDT (Dir. G Mirey & J Vignard)
  • Boulanouar Yasmine. Master 2 Recherche THERV « Toxicologie Humaine, évaluation de Risques et Vigilance » Université Paris Sud. Effets génotoxiques d’un pesticide, le captane, et voies de réparation (Dir. E Boutet)


  • Brunschwig Laura. Master 2 recherche « Cancérologie » Université Paul Sabatier. Etude des effets génotoxiques des pesticides et de leurs mécanismes de réparation (Dir E Boutet)
  • Féliu Catherine. Master 2 recherche «Toxicologie» Université Paris XI et Paris V. Etude des effets génotoxiques et des mécanismes d’action de la Toxine CDT (Dir G Mirey)


Gladys Mirey
Team Leader

INRA, UMR 1331 TOXALIM (Research Centre in Food Toxicology) - E8 GS: Genotoxicity & Signaling
180, chemin de Tournefeuille - BP.93173
F-31027 TOULOUSE cedex 3, France

Phone +33 582 06 63 00
Fax +33 561 28 5244