Prevention, Occupational Health & Security

TOXALIM enforces a strong politicy on PREVENTION, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY in line with the directives of INRA Toulouse research centre presidency and national Directorate General


TOXALIM is a research laboratory where 200 agents operate in an environment where the potential risks are numerous, due to the variety of practicioners: biochemists, chemists, cellular biologists, molecular biologists, physiologists, microscopists, animal care technicians, administrative officers, computer services...


TOXALIM is a responsible and professional laboratory that is fully committed to a program of risk management. The goal is multiple: excellence, respectability, quality and warranty as to the integration of new staff.

  • In this context all the staff, and primarily the Management, the Quality Unit Officers and the Prevention Agents (ACP) are involved in this commitment.
  • Eventually, it is the preservation of the physical and mental integrity of all, environmental protection and social dialogue that are at stakes.


  • UpstreamPrevention: with the help of users, the ACP perform risk assessments and thus maintain the single document required by law. Within the institute, it is called Management Tool Prevention at INRA (OPPI). ACP inform and provide trainings. Finally with the metrologists and the assistance of the Health and Safety Unit (CHS), they maintain premises and equipment conform to their use.
  • Sometimes, however, the ACP and the occupational risk lifeguards (OHS) must deal with accidents or incidents, more or less severe. They then take care of the victims and / or participate in the recovery of the research activity.
  • Downstream, after an accident or incident, a group formed by of the Head of Unit or his delegate, an ACP and a dedicated officer (the "garant") meet to conduct an analysis of the event. This analysis is part of a wider scheme called the ASAI (Analysis and Monitoring of Accidents and Incidents). The goal is to build an action plan tailored so that an accident or a similar incident does not happen again "here or elsewhere."

In summary, TOXALIM policy of management of risks - whether physical, chemical, biological or psychosocial - is aimed at developing social dialogue, continuously improving working conditions and integrating requirements on "ocupational health/safety/environment" on a daily routine basis.