Training & Higher Education

Toxalim and Higher Education

The members of the UMR 1331 TOXALIM are involved in higher education activities:

1) Basic Training

UMR researchers are involved in basic training for :

  • Veterinary students (National Veterinary School of Toulouse): Physiology and Pharmacology, Mathematics and Statistics, Food hygiene, pathology of reproduction;
  • Engineer Students of EI-Purpan (Purpan School of Engineering): Digestive Physiology, Pathophysiology
  • Students from the University of Toulouse 3 - UPS - Faculty of Pharmacy: Toxicology, General Genetics, Public Health
  • Students from the University of Toulouse 3 - UPS - Faculty of Science and Engineering: Toxicology

2) Continuing Education

The faculty members of the UMR contribute to the training of:

  • Professionals of the pharmaceutical industry through the teaching of the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics (for non kineticist Pharmacokinetics), population pharmacokinetics and fertility in laboratory animals.
  • Residents of EU veterinary pharmacology and toxicology college (European College of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • Veterinarians in Management of Food Safety and Quality (CEAV the Secure Management and Food Quality)
  • Researchers, through the programs of the European Network of Excellence CASCADE (CASCADE Network)
  • PhD students, postdocs, scientists and engineers through training in biostatistics for "omics" organized by INRA, CNRS, INSERM, Agrocampus (Rennes) and Genotoul (Genopole Toulouse)
  • Scientists and professionals from the pharmaceutical industry through national and international conferences

3) Academic

The members of the UMR also contribute to the university master in Science Technology and Health, through the joint responsibility of training accredited jointly with the University Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier and the contribution to teaching in their field of expertise.

These trainings relate to the areas:


At Master 1 level (EU : education unit)

  • Co-responsibility of an EU "Medicine: introduction to pharmacology"
  • Participation in the EU "Medicine and Biology of Reproduction"
  • Participation in the EU "Differentiation and oncogenesis"
  • Participation in the EU "Biochemistry of metabolic dysregulation"
  • Participation in the EU "Human Genetics"
  • Participation in the EU "Public Health"
  • Participation in the EU "Environment and Health"

At Master 2 level (EU : education unit)

  • Professional Master 2 "Pharmacology and drug industry" (shared responsibility)
  • Master 2 "Cancer" (responsibility)
  • Research Master 2 "Innovation in Pharmacology"
  • Professional Master 2 "Integrative Biology and Toxicology"

Agrobiosciences Microbiology Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

  • Research Master 2 "Development of quality and food safety" (shared responsibility)
  • Research Master 2 "Agrofood Chain"
  • Research Master 2 "Plant bioscience"

Biochemistry Biotechnology

  • Professional Master 2 "Bioengineering"
  • Professional Master 2 "Structural biology proteomics and metabolomics

Public health

  • Master 2 "Clinical Epidemiology Research" (co-responsibility)

Members of the UMR also participate in university education outside Toulouse

  • University Paris 5 & Paris 11: Master 2 Human Toxicology, Risk Assessment, Alertness;
  • EU "Carcinogenesis and tumor pathologies" (responsibility)
  • National School of Agricultural Engineering (ENITA, Bordeaux)

4) Doctoral Training

The members of the UMR contribute to training for students of doctoral schools:

  • Ecological, Veterinary & Agricultural Sciences and Bioengineering (SEVAB)
  • Biology Health Biotechnology (BSB) : : UE Pharmacologie Préclinique (Nov 2011) ; syllabus UE2-M2R IP (2011-2016)


Véronique GAYRARD


Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse

23 chemin des Capelles

F-31076 TOULOUSE cedex 03, France

Phone: +33 561 19 3918

Fax: +33 561 19 3917


Modification date: 08 June 2023 | Publication date: 10 June 2010 | By: VG