Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S)

IBS is a chronic digestive disorder characterized by abdominal pain and transit disorders. Among the nutritional factors at fault, there is a set of small sugars, fermentable by the intestinal microbiota, known as FODMAP.

A study carried out in Toulouse, France, by researchers from INRAE ​​(UMR1331 TOXALIM), the School of Engineers of Purpan and the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (CRCA-CBI), looked at the metabolites resulting from fermentation by the intestinal microbiota of two FODMAPs: lactose and a fructo-oligosaccharide.

  • Their results published on the February 6, 2020 issue of Gastroenterology show that lactose and the fructo-oligosaccharide-rich diet caused visceral pain in mice. In addition, the intestinal mucosa of these mice had a high number of immune cells (mast cells), also found in large numbers in the mucosa of IBS patients.
  • From the analysis of the intestinal mucosa of the mice studied, the scientists were able to understand what was causing the pain in these FODMAPs. They were able to block the formation of unabsorbed products by administering a specific inhibitor (pyridoxamine), which prevented both the appearance of pain and the increase in the number of mast cells induced by the two FODMAPs tested.

This study shows that the two FODMAPs studied generate substances that cause visceral pain and a change in the immunity of the intestinal mucosa, two characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome. This study proposes a new mechanism involved in abdominal pain in IBS patients sensitive to FODMAP and opens up new therapeutic avenues.

See also

  • The article

JBJ Kamphuis, B Guiard, M Leveque, I Jouanin, S Yvon, V Tondereau, P Rivière, S Chevolleau, MH Noguer-Meireles, JF Martin, L Debrauwer, H Eutamene, V Theodorou. Lactose and Fructo-oligosaccharides Increase Visceral Sensitivity in Mice via Glycation Processes, Increasing Mast Cell Density in Colonic Mucosa. Gastroenterology 2020; 158:652-663

Modification date: 08 June 2023 | Publication date: 19 February 2020 | By: INRA Presse/RGV