Kick-Off of Obemirisk project (EFSA), June 24, 2019 in Parma, Italy

Toxalim research teams ENTeRisk, MeX and AXIOM participate in the Obemirisk project funded by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and coordinated by the University of Granada (Spain).

The OBEMIRISK* project (2019-21) responds to a "EFSA Partnering Grant" call. Its main objective is to develop a European platform for assessing the risks linked to Bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues (BPS, BPF, etc.) in children, with an emphasis on the effects on the intestinal microbiota (dysbiosis) and the search for biomarkers in the predisposition to obesity.

  • Within Toxalim (Res Ctr in Food Toxicology, Toulouse, France), 6 researchers and engineers are participating in this project (Eric Houdeau, Daniel Zalko, Bruno Lamas, Fabien Jourdan, Nicolas Cabaton, Laurent Debrauwer). The ENTeRisk team is in charge of local coordination and monitoring in a Spanish pediatric cohort of the metabolic activity of the microbiota according to the levels of impregnation with bisphenols. The MeX team and the Axiom-Metatoul platform bring their respective expertise in the fate and biomonitoring of these compounds.
  • The kick-off meeting took place on June 24, 2019 at EFSA headquarters in Parma (Photo). It brought together members of renowned research centers on these questions, from 5 European countries: Spain (INYTA), Belgium (ILVO), France (INRA), Poland (TUL) and Slovakia (UVMP).


* Knowledge Platform for Assessing the Risk of Bisphenols on Gut Microbiota and its Role in Obesogenic Phenotype : Looking for Biomarkers
