Quality in Research at TOXALIM Research Centre in Food Toxicology

Towards a quality, safety and environment conscious management

UMR 1331 TOXALIM (Research Centre in Food Toxicology) is a INRA joint research unit (with ENVT & EI-Purpan, under contract with the University Toulouse 3). Its activities include the study of the effects of chemical contaminants and food components, alone or in combination. The consequences of chronic exposure to low doses, are more particularly addressed within a goal of preventing human or animal health. Toxalim's ambition is to become a reference in toxicology and food safety research.
Since TOXALIM inauguration in January 2011, the Management board pointed out Quality as a priority project to be implemented as an integrated component of the scientific approach. The approach was structured by harmonizing the existing procedures in the founding units to build a unique quality system, both innovative and progressive, respecting the activities of the research teams, technology platforms and animal facilities.

Our goals:

To provide reliable analytical and publishable results as well as quality services in the field of project management and coordination, expertise, training, customer service,

To preserve knowledge and expertise and foster communication and transmission of knowledge,

To meet regulatory requirements, and legal standards regarding:

  • health and safety,
  • the use of radionuclides,
  • animal experiments.

To continuously improve our performance in terms of quality, safety and environmental impact, with the commitment of all

To align our ongoing system quality management with the changing needs of our partners.

Our objectives:

Meeting the requirements of the 2012 version of the INRA quality repository, regarding the activities of research teams, support research services and animal facilities, to ensure traceability of work and the reliability of results and, in a process of continuous improvement.

Achieving ISO 9001: 2008 for our three technological platforms which are connected to IBiSA platforms

Régine Pradera is appointed as quality officer. As a representative of the Management, its mission is to develop, implement, maintain, improve and verify the processes of the quality system, staff awareness of quality requirements of the INRA, develop and lead the quality system of the unit and report its operation.

The entire staff is involved in the quality process to ensure the success of the adopted policy.

The Management is committed to give its support, as well as the human and material resources necessary for implementation of this policy and push TOXALIM up to a system of continuous improvement of quality in research to ensure the excellence of the work done at all levels Unit for all our stakeholders.

For a complete view of the organization engaged in Toxalim: download the Quality Manual of the UMR.